Six Tips For Preventing Online Identity Theft

Posted on: 28 July 2016
Identity theft has quickly become one of the fastest growing crimes, with around 27 million Americans affected over the past five years. By getting your personal information online, cyber criminals can quickly ruin your credit and affect your livelihood. Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself and your information. By implementing these six simple preventative measures, you can greatly reduce the risk of someone stealing your identity and your money. Avoid Website Redirects
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Stylishly Smaller And Retirement-Ready: Finding The Right Real Estate For Your Active Senior Lifestyle

Posted on: 11 July 2016
It was great having a big house and yard in the suburbs when you were raising a family and pursuing a rewarding career. But now that the kids are off on their own and retirement is approaching, it's very noticeable how much of your time – and money – is spent maintaining the large property. So you've made the decision to sell and move into a smaller, more manageable place where you can enjoy your retirement years.
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Buying In -- 5 Ways To The Find The Right Location For Your First Home

Posted on: 22 June 2016
As a first-time home buyer, it can be daunting to try to figure out where you want to make such a major investment. Everyone knows the old real estate adage, "location, location, location." But what does that mean for you? Here are 5 location-picking tips for any budget. Research the neighborhood. A lot of information can be found online nowadays to help you select a good neighborhood. Crime statistics, ownership demographics, income information and purchase vs selling prices can all be found with some internet digging.
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3 Challenges Of Relocating To Denver

Posted on: 16 May 2016
Living in a big city comes with a lot of upsides. They usually offer great night life, plenty to do, and numerous employment opportunities. Many big cities also come with drawbacks as well. Big cities often have very competitive housing markets and can be expensive to live in. Coming in at number one on U.S. News & World's report on best big cities to live in, Denver is a popular city to move to.
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